Wednesday, January 26, 2011

See! I Do Craft

Tonight I learned an important lesson...I can not use my toaster oven and microwave at the same time.  I came home and started to cook the burger I craved all day.  Of course if you are cooking a burger the bun has to be toasted so I popped it in the toaster oven.  Then I needed a side dish and I bought some potatoes the other day so I stuck one in the microwave.  About 3 minutes into the potato cooking I noticed my lights started to get dimmer and dimmer....and then all the power went off.  I was in total darkness except for the fire still burning on the stove (and I quickly turned off).  Luckily my dad forced me to put a flashlight in every room so I wasn't in the dark for very long (thanks Dad!)...but the power box isn't in my apartment...its in the super creepy basement.  I would not even be shocked if I found a body down there one day. So needless to say not a very pleasant dinner.

I did, however, find time to craft...finally.  I got a sudden urge to make a scrapbooking page about my first apartment.  I moved here about 3 months ago (ack time goes fast).  I printed out the pictures last night and tonight I measured and made the layered background.  So I ended up with this:

I apologize for the flash orb in the center there.  My pictures are haunted!  No, i just don't have a fancy camera (totally wish I did).  But as you can see from the picture, I did a good job layering the background.  The detail doesn't come through but the base is a patterned purple piece of paper that actually started as a 12x12 sheet. I cut it down to 8.5x11 because that's the size I'm more comfortable working with.  I layered on top of it black cardstock and then white cardstock.  But these pictures...sized all wrong.

I could've just went back to my computer and reprinted them but instead I decided to use my square hole punches (favorite supplies ever) and punch them into squares.  I didn't care if I cut off parts of the pics. It make it look more artistic.  So I ended up with this (again I apologize for flash orbs/blurriness. I usually scan scrapbooking pages in so you can see the details but I was too lazy to pull out the scanner and hook up my computer tonight):

I did a non flash and a flash picture but I promise, the next page I post will definitely be scanned.

Supplies: Glue: Ad Tech Glue Runner, Elmer's Craft Bond, Lettering: A Family Affair Chipboard Stickers, Making Memories Letter Stickers Stickers: Soft Spoken, Mary Engelbreit.  Cardstock: Unknown brand

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