Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fighting the Sickness, Procrastinating the Layout

I know I'm getting a chest cold but I refuse to b elieve it. My solution for sickness is to keep as busy as possible so that your body forgets that it's getting sick.  I swear it works...except if you are too sick to move.  I'm not at that point yet, but I wasn't up for creating a full layout just yet.

Besides the cold, I'm procrastinating because I really want to scrap my Berlin pictures but I find scrapping vacations crippling.  There's so many pictures and souvineers and so much to put together.  I want the layout to be as great as the vacation...so I'm putting a lot of unnecessary pressure on myself.  There's another project floating around in my head but I don't want to talk about it yet.  The person I'm making it for might be reading this blog...I mean you never know right?  People think no one will find their blog so they start writing about their sexcapades and pretty soon they're fired from their job as a preschool teacher.  It happens.  Not that this project in my head is about sex or any kind of romantic gift for that matter. Imagine? Here is a scrapbook of sexy pictures of myself wooo.  Yea, ok.

Anyway, one thing I knew I wanted to incorporate into my Berlin layouts is using a picture as the background for the layout.  I took a shot in front of the tallest building in Berlin and I really wanted to emphasize the height of it, so I decided to print the picture full size.  The only problem is it's hard to use a glossy print as a background so I instead printed it on canvas paper.  I've yet to do anything with it, but here's the picture printed on canvas:

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