Remember that picture I printed on fabric a few weeks ago? I finally decided to put it in a layout tonight. A simple uncluttered layout.....still working on those Germany pictures you know.
I've also made an executive decision. I've been scrapbooking agaisnt the norm on 8.5 x 11 paper since I first started at age 15(ish). The reason was simply that I knew nothing about scrapbooking and I had some colored computer paper to work with. I kept buying the same size paper until I amassed the extensive color collection I own today. Now that I read the scrapping blogs and read all the books/magazines, I know that the norm is 12x12 pages. They provide symmetry and more importantly space. I've tried "scraplifting" a few 12x12 page and translating to 8.5x11 but it never works out. They end up squashed or I inevitably need to eliminate some pictures to fit the page. So, my executive decision is to start scrapping on 12x12 paper. I'm going to go to Michael's this weekend to buy a new album in the right size. Of course, if you are observant you've noticed that all my layouts recently are on 8.5/11 but that's ok. It'll be a combination album...a symbol of my transition from kid scrapbooker to big girl scrapbooker.
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